Drinking Coffee And Alcohol Every Day May Help You Live Longer

Alcohol is bad for you. Coffee is bad for you. Apparently NOT!

If you want to live a long life, you have to ditch alcohol and coffee. We heard that lots of times, and we ignored it or not. New scientific research study shows that if you want to live into your 90s you must not give up on coffee and alcohol.

Well, the science study shows that people who have two alcohol servings daily and two cups of coffee get to live more. In all fairness, we don’t find out if alcohol and coffee are the cause, or the reality that we better genes help us drink more of the stuff. Anyway, the research study is interesting…

A new study has found that downing mild amounts of both caffeine and alcohol may help you live into your 90s.

According to researchers at the UC Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, sipping two servings of alcohol every day decreased chances of premature death by 18 percent, while sipping two cups of coffee per day decreased premature death by 10 percent.

he study, called the 90+ Study, has looked at information from over 1,600 nonagenarians since 2013 in order to determine what may contribute to longevity and long-term health. All of the participants (called “the oldest old”) see a doctor twice a year, address questions about their lifestyle and health, and undergo a number of physical and neurological tests. And this latest finding is freaking amazing.

“I have no explanation for it, however I do firmly believe that humble consuming improves longevity,” Dr. Claudia Kawas, among the study’s lead researcher, said at a recent scientific conference.

The study has likewise found that while a little bit extra padding can help you love a long life, typical workout is also key to sticking around on earth. So is having a normal hobby to keep you mentally sharp and healthy. Specifically exercising for 15 to 45 minutes per day reduced the risk of early death by 11 percent, while those who spent 2 hours on a hobby day to day had 21 percent reduced risk of early death.

One thing to note: all of these findings involve the word moderate. Heavy drinkers didn’t fare well, and neither did guzzling tons of coffee. And while a few extra pounds steeps your heartier in your 70s, being obese wasn’t linked to a longer life.

another little warning: while consuming caffeine and alcohol in moderate amounts may be okay, drinking caffeine and alcohol together might not be the best thing in the world. Why? Coffee can mask the depressant aspects of alcohol, creating people more alert as they beverage and perhaps allowing them to consume more than they would. Likewise, it’s a myth that coffee assists sober you up if you’ve been guzzling. So, maybe space out your morning and evening mind-altering beverages.