Drinking Coffee And Alcohol Every Day May Help You Live Longer
Alcohol is bad for you. Coffee is bad for you. Apparently NOT! If you want to live a long life, you have to ditch alcohol and coffee. We heard that many times, and we ignored it or not. New research shows that if you want to live into your 90s you should not give up on coffee and alcohol. Well, the research shows that people who have two alcohol servings per day and two cups of coffee get to live more. In all fairness, we don’t know if alcohol and coffee are the cause, or the fact that we better genes help us drink more of the stuff. Anyway, the research is interesting… A new study has found that consuming moderate amounts of both caffeine and alcohol may help you live into your 90s. According to researchers at the UC Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, drinking two … Read More