I’ve come to realize something lately, about espresso coffee making. You could call it a revelation, or an epiphany, or simply “something I’ve just realized”, which doesn’t sound rather as dramatic ;-).
What I’ve figured out is that there is actually one main cause of bad tasting espresso coffee at home which is often prevalent regardless of the home barista having ticked al of the other essential boxes for best tasting espresso at home.
This isn’t an obvious one for a lot of people, and I suspect that a lot of people have been dogged by this issue in the past which has led them to investing in new equipment, when truly it’s an matter which can usually be fixed with just a few little tweaks to your espresso-making recipe.
Before we get onto this, I’ll first go through all of the more obvious necessities for making wonderful tasting espresso coffee, due to the reality that dealing with the issue I’m referring to here is only literally going to make a significant impact once all these checkboxes are ticked.
Quality Coffee Beans
If you’re buying your coffee beans from coffee roasters, or from speciality coffee websites or subscriptions, then you can skip past this section, as I’d be preaching to the converted.
If, but, you’re reading this and you usually pick up your coffee beans from a supermarket, or you buy them from a large online retailer, then you might benefit from reading this section of the article.
To the uninitiated, coffee beans are coffee beans – but that’s simply not right. For a start, coffee beans aren’t even beans, they’re seeds – we call them beans, mainly due to the truth that humans are daft ;-).
The first wave of coffee, which began in the 1800s, saw coffee become a commodity, and the bulk of coffee traded worldwide is still commodity coffee. This sort of coffee is simply coffee, actually as wheat is simply wheat, oil is simply oil. It’s just priced by the market, quality doesn’t come into it – and it’s extremely cheap. It’s incredibly difficult for farmers to turn a profit due to the volatile and often really low market price of coffee.
If you think “coffee simply flavors of coffee” this is because you’ve probably been brought up on commodity coffee, as most us have been. This kind of coffee is usually roasted fairly dark to hide taste defects and to ensure each batch tastes the same, and it all tends to be much of a muchness where taste is worried.
The second wave of coffee started in the 70s, when firms like Starbucks tapped into a new developing coffee culture. Second wave coffee was a lot more about the experience, that it was about the coffee itself, and the third wave of coffee came about in the 80’s starting out as an really small niche of people who were a lot more interested in the coffee beans themselves quite than the coffee culture.
The third wave of coffee is all about the quality of the coffee beans. The beans produced for this market aren’t priced by the market, they’re priced by cup quality, and this allows coffee farmers to make quality led decisions quite than price lead decisions. Where the coffee is grown, the varietals chosen, hand picking vs mechanical picking, and the processing methods used are all picked with one thing in mind, cup quality.
If you want to ensure you’re buying great quality coffee beans, it’s humble – buy your coffee from a coffee roaster or a specialist supplier of speciality coffee.
There are hundreds of small batch speciality coffee roasters, you probably have one locally if you wanted to pop in, and many of them are in reality cool people, friendly and advantageous, and enjoy talking about coffee. To find your local coffee roaster see:
The point is, there is huge amounts of preference when it comes to getting wonderful coffee beans in the UK, you don’t need to buy commodity coffee beans.
The Espresso coffee Machine
If you want decent espresso coffee, you need a decent espresso machine – and while a lot of people will discover that, the majority of people don’t know what is very meant by a decent espresso machine.
The cheapest home espresso machines are what are discussed as domestic espresso coffee machines. These tend to cost from £100 – £200, and what many of them have in common is that they pull shots at 15 bars of pressure, and use something called pressurized baskets.
I won’t get into too much detail in this post, nevertheless for more see:
Why 15 Bar Espresso Machines Aren't the Best
In short, you actually want 9 bars of pressure for espresso coffee, 15 bars of pressure are not your friend if you’re trying to create excellent tasting espresso coffee.
Likewise, while pressurized baskets are supposedly capable of producing barista quality espresso with pre-ground coffee or with coffee ground with a cheaper coffee grinder, they really only do this when it comes to looks, as they make the espresso look the part with artificially created crema, however they don’t quite do the same where taste is anxious.
This doesn’t mean you need to spend thousands on a home espresso machine, it just means that it’s best to go for a 9 bar machine (or a machine which can be modded to 9 bars) with fundamental baskets.
My favourite choices at the entry level:
Sage Bambino PlusGaggia Classic Pro
For more choices see:
Perfect Espresso Machines
The Grinding machine
The coffee grinder is often underestimated, nevertheless it literally is important, particularly for espresso coffee.
What you need for espresso coffee grinding is the ability to grind fine enough, and also the ability to finely troubleshoot the grind size. While primarily speaking you’ll get better quality ground coffee and therefore better espresso coffee the more you spend, you can get fairly good effects from around the £150 – £200 mark.
You definitely need a burr grinder. The cheapest “grinders” have blades, and blades don’t grind.
The extremely cheapest burr grinders are the Delonghi KG79, Krups Expert and Melitta Molino, and while these will do OK with domestic espresso machines with pressurized baskets, they won’t quite grind fine enough for espresso. You can mod them to get the burrs closer together, however even then the grind adjustments are rather far apart, you’re never going to get wonderful impacts with a grinder like this.
At the entry extent, my favourite choices are the Iberital MC2 or the Sage Smart Coffee mill Pro. The MC2 is a little bit of a rough diamond, doesn’t look great, feels flimsy, and I’m not a big fan of the timer, but I can’t deny how well it performs for espresso for the really low price. The smart grinder pro is a lot more refined, nicer to look at, and is very healthy for multiple brew methods as it’s so easy to get from one grind size to another for instance from espresso up to filter and back.
If your budget is a little higher, the grinders I’d usually suggest would be the Eureka Mignon, an ex-commercial Mazzer mini with a single doser and doserless mod, Baratza Sette 270, or Niche Zero.
For more see:
OK, so if you’ve ticked the above boxes, what is the one main issue which is likely to cause bad tasting espresso coffee, and how can you avoid it?
The matter I’m referring to, if you hadn’t already guessed, is channelling.
What the chuff is channelling?
When water is introduced to the puck of coffee in the basket, and pressure starts to build up, this pressured water will naturally look for a channel, a path of lesser resistance. Where the water does this, you have uneven extraction. This means that regardless of flow time and ratio, the shot can taste wrong.
If a home barista is honing their craft, and is doing all the right things, weighing the coffee in, weighing the espresso coffee and timing the shot, but something actually doesn’t taste right and they can’t figure out why – most the time, maybe many of the time, this is due to channelling.
It doesn’t question if you have a £300 setup or a £10,000 setup, if you’re suffering from channelling you’re still going to get espresso which doesn’t taste how it shoud.
I wanted to write this article because I’ve suddenly come to realise that I’ve previously underestimated the impact of channelling, and I think the vast majority of people who own an espresso machine probably do too.
Actually, I’d go so far as to say that a lot of people waste money on ideal coffee beans, and on fantastic espresso coffee gear because regardless of the quality of the beans and the gear, they’re haunted by the matter of channelling, and they have no idea.
So, we discover what channelling is, how do we prevent it?
Some espresso coffee machines have a feature called preinfusion, which is where the puck of coffee is soaked with water under low pressure before the pressure is ramped up. This more gentle introduction of water to the ground coffee beans helps to ensure an even flow of water through the puck, once the pressure is increased.
While preinfusion is a feature I’d usually expect to find on higher cost espresso coffee machines, this is something that really impresses me about Sage coffee machines, as all of their espresso coffee machines including the lowest cost machines, feature proper low-pressure preinfusion.
I say “proper low pressure” preinfusion, as there are some machines on the market which claim to feature preinfusion, but it’s a case of pulsing the water at full pressure, so there’s a short blast of water at full pressure, a pause, and then the shot is resumed.
Correct Dose
Getting the dose wrong increases the chance of channelling.
There’s something mentioned as headspace (nothing to do with the popular mindfulness and meditation app, even though I would recommend that too) which refers to the space between the top of the puck of coffee and the shower screen above, which the water comes through.
The amount of headspace is important, as the pressure builds up in this headspace.
Too little headspace and too much headspace are both bad. Both can cause channelling, both can likewise cause you to have to change the grind to correct the flow rate, while unaware (unless you have a bottomless portafilter or your palate is sensitive enough to detect what’s going on in the cup). Too much headspace (too little coffee for the basket) can also cause sloppy pucks, which are yuck.
The best headspace is thought to be 1-2mm, and dosing as per the recommended dose for the basket is the obvious solution, combined with getting the grind size right, of course, due to the truth that regardless of the weight in the basket, if the grind size is off for the coffee you’re utilizing, the headspace may be under or over the ideal.
This is among the reasons the Razor device which comes with espresso machines from Sage Appliances is such a clever idea, as it ensures the perfect headspace for the basket, while also ensuring a extent surface.
If you have a Sage (known as Breville in many countries but the UK and other parts of Europe) espresso coffee machine and you don’t usually utilize the Razor equipment, I’d suggest digging it out. You don’t have to utilize it whenever, nevertheless it’s a ideal tool to use while dialling in.
If you don’t have a sage machine, there’s nothing stopping you from picking up the Razor tool, if you have a basic 58mm portafilter you can pick one up from Sage Appliances for basically over a fiver. Alternatively, just dose the basket with the shown dosage for your basket, however literally keep in mind that the headspace may be out either way until you’re dialled in.
For example, if you’re utilizing a basket crafted for 18g, nevertheless you’ve gone to course with the grind, that 18 grams of coffee will take up more space in the basket, leaving less headspace. If you’ve ground too fine, that 18g will take up less space, taking up less headspace.
By the way, an easy way to tell you’ve got too much headspace is that horrible sloppy puck I pointed out, and a tell tale sign you’ve over dosed the basket and have too little headspace as a result, is a rock-solid puck after pulling the shot, which often won’t knock out in one go and breaks up instead.
Correct Grind Size
One of the first things you understand when getting into home espresso coffee is that you need to get the grind size right with each bag of coffee beans, discussed as dialing in.
This isn’t only important because of ensuring the desired flow rate (shot time) and therefore as close to a excellent extraction as possible, however it’s also important because unless you’re utilizing the Razor device as I’ve very spoken about, headspace is going to be out until you’re dialled in. This implies that the likelihood of channelling increases until you’re dialled in even if you’re dosing the correct amount for the basket.
Puck Prep
Puck preparation or “puck prep”, just implies what you do to the ground coffee in the basket after grinding and before pulling the shot. If your only puck prep is tamping, you’re leaving yourself open to channelling.
An important part of puck prep, often overlooked by home baristas, is distribution, which just suggests to ensure that the coffee in the basket is evenly distributed.
Busy baristas often purely work with hand methods for this, whether it’s tapping the portafilter with their hands, and/or using what’s known as the “North East South West” method (running the outside of your palm/little finger across the top of the puck of coffee in all four directions), or the Stockfleth’s message in which you make an L with your thumb and forefinger and rotate your hand and the portafilter in opposite directions.
There are arguably more effective methods, although, which busy baristas might not want to utilize due to time constraints, which are more suited to home baristas. The the majority of popular of which, and in my opinion the best, being the WDT, or the “Weiss Distribution Technique”.
This recipe callsfor something thin and pointy, such as a needle, with which you just stir the grounds in concentric circles, breaking up the clumps and aiming to ensure an even distribution of ground coffee throughout the basket. There are tools you can buy to make this easier, such as this WDT tool, however I simply bought this keycap puller tool and snipped off the ends with pliers, works fine.
OK, it might not look as nice as some of the other ones you can get, and to be fair the deal with part is flimsy plastic so it may turn out to be false economy, but there are plenty of WDT tools you can buy online from about fifteen quid and up.
You can also make a DIY WDT tool by getting something like a cork, and sticking three or four needles into it. Whatever you work with, just stir the grounds in concentric circles, trying to get all of the coffee, right down to the bottom of the basket. Finally, just rake the puck in an s or zigzag fashion to equally distribute the surface, and you’re done.
If you watch my video below from where I’ve set it to play, you’ll see me doing this.
You need something put into the basket to stop the grounds from going all over the place while you’re doing this, you can just cut the bottom off an appropriately sized yoghurt pot or paper espresso cup, something like that, or just get a dosing funnel – there are loads of these available for all sized portafilters.
I count tamping as part of the puck prep, some would see it as a separate stage of the method, I don’t think it literally matters either way – however tamping adequately is another way to minimize chances of channelling.
To tamp adequately implies to apply enough pressure so that the coffee is compressed as much as it can be, while ensuring an even surface.
When I say “as much as it can be”, you can’t in fact compress the ground coffee in the basket all that much. There’s only so much you can tamp the coffee down – after that, you’re just wasting energy, chancing injury due to repetitive pressure on your joints, and potentially increasing the likelihood of channelling by ending up with an unlevel surface.
I would basically aim for consistency with tamp pressure, and focus on getting a level tamp. You can get calibrated tampers like this one, which only allow you to apply the pre-set amount of pressure, a good way to ensure tamping consistency.
Work with a decent tamper, and the correct size tamper for your basket
If your machine came with a plastic tamper, find some other work with for it, and invest in a proper tamper. Those plastic things, some of which double up as scoops, are useless as tampers, in my modest opinion, and one thing that is often wrong with them is that they can sometimes be too small for the basket.
As long as your basket is straight-edged and isn’t tapered (the basket which ships with the DeLonghi Dedica for example is tapered which is why you need to work with a smaller tamper with it) you actually want a tamper which is a excellent fit for the basket. If there’s a gap around the tamper, some of the puck around the outside isn’t going to be tamped.
A number of home baristas now use oversized tampers, also mentioned as competition tampers, along with competition baskets, which I’ll cover next. The Motta competition tamper for example, which you can get from ShopCoffee or Clumsy Goat, is 58.4mm which suggests a literally snug fit. You do need to make sure if you’re utilizing these, but, that you’re lifting up the tamper straight, and you’re not lifting on an angle, as this can cause suction which can likewise promote channelling.
Use a better basket
Not all filter baskets are created uniformly. Competition baskets such as VST & IMS baskets are created for specific doses and with extremely specifically sized and distributed filter holes. Switching out your basket to a competition basket is one way to aid overall shot quality and potentially help avoid channelling, mainly via knowing exactly what dosage the basket is made for, which isn’t the case with all baskets.
Don't disturb
Once you’ve taken the time and effort to appropriately prep your puck, be careful with the portafilter. Don’t knock it with the tamper, or put it down onto the worktop with force, and be careful not to knock it into the group while locking it in place, as any shock to the puck can cause breaks or cracks, which can encourage that pesky chanelling.
Dry your portafilter
Beginning out with a wet basket can encourage channeling around the edges of the puck, so it’s good practice to ensure that the basket is dry before grinding the coffee into the basket.
Upgrade your coffee mill
I find out we spoke about the coffee mill earlier, but now we’re talking about channelling, it’s worth pointing out that some of the very cheapest coffee grinders can be the no1 reason for channelling. The humble reason for this is that a number of of them really don’t rather go fine enough for espresso with basic baskets, and if you can’t grind fine enough, you’re more than likely going to suffer from channelling.
If you’re using pressurised baskets, there’s extremely not much you can do about channelling or improving the taste of your shots other than to use better quality coffee beans. In my modest opinion pressured baskets (which come with a lot of the cheapest, sub £200 espresso machines) can make OK espresso coffee from best quality coffee beans via a very cheap coffee grinder, but if you want more than literally OK, you’ll need to utilize a machine with a fundamental basket, and an espresso coffee capable coffee mill.
If you’re using a basic basket, you’ll need to grind finer than you would with a pressurised basket, and many the cheapest grinders just won’t go fine enough. For more on grinders see:
Best Coffee Grinders
In my video below I also talk about which coffee grinders are, and aren’t capable of grinding fine enough for espresso with standard baskets.
Upgrade your espresso coffee machine
If you’re utilizing an very cheap machine which pulls shots at 15 bars of pressure and uses a pressurised basket, it’s possible to improve matters by switching to a standard basket (if you can get one to fit your portafilter) but the one thing you can never get away from, is the 15 bars of pressure.
15 bars is most pressure, and this pressure can gauge a hole right through the puck of coffee, which triggers terrible channelling. Lots of of these machines are awful when it comes to temperature stability too, which enhances this problem.
So I would advise considering upgrading to at least something like the new Gaggia classic pro, or a used older Gaggia classic, or the sage bambino plus – paired with either the Sage smart coffee mill pro, Iberital MC2 or Lelit Fred, unless you can afford to spend a little bit more, in which case something along the lines of the Eureka Mignon Specialita, an ex commercial Mazzer super jolly modded to be single doser & zero retention – or the Niche Zero.
Also see:
Best Home Barista Setups
Making better espresso coffee from home – conclusion
To conclude, to make better tasting espresso coffee at home, the main thing we need to do is to work on reducing the chances of channelling.
Even if we’ve got a mega, espresso capable coffee mill paired with a in fact good heat exchanger or dual boiler espresso machine, we could end up downing shots that taste nowhere near as good as another home barista is achieving with a budget single-boiler espresso coffee machine and lower cost coffee grinder who’s taking good care of avoiding channelling.
So just take some care when dialling in, remember not being dialled in is a big cause of channelling. Remember that achieving the correct dosage at the correct grind size reduces the chances of channeling via having the right amount of headspace, and taking care when it comes to puck prep and tamping will also, hopefully help.
Life is like a box of chocolates, so join my Brew Time list, subscribe to my YouTube Channel, try my coffee at The Coffeeworks (work with discount code coffeebotherers), follow me on Twitter & Instagram, follow the coffeeblog FaceBook page, and that’s all I have to say about that.
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This post first off appeared at Coffee Blog – The UK Specialty Coffee Blog – For Lovers of REAL Coffee!
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