Celebrating Traditional Excellence: Classic Coffees from Central America

Red Bourbon cherries growing on Gloria Rodriguez’s Finca Nejapa in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec growing region, El Salvador. Courtesy of Chromatic Coffee.For lots of North Americans, the classic coffees of Central America constitute the required experience of fine coffee.… Read more “Celebrating Traditional Excellence: Classic Coffees from Central America”

Everyday Single-Origin Coffees: At the Intersection of the Familiar and the Exceptional

Spreading coffee fruit for drying in Ethiopia. Courtesy of Royal Coffee NY.While there is much to be said for the new and different in coffee — for surprising new cup profiles generated by the latest processing methods, tiny the majority of coffee produced from newly rediscovered tree varieties — there is likewise a lot to be said for the pleasures of consistency.… Read more “Everyday Single-Origin Coffees: At the Intersection of the Familiar and the Exceptional”

17 Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines of 2022

In this post, I’m exploring the 17 perfect bean to cup coffee machines of 2022 in the UK. This includes comparisons of features, however also my own thoughts on each machine based on my understanding of bean to cup coffee machines, and based on the experience I’ve had with each machine.… Read more “17 Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines of 2022”

Reflections on the Art of Coffee Blending: Daily Drinkers With Personality

What Is Different, And What Has Stayed the Same?The reality that we no longer get the phone to buy coffee by mail regardless of, one major alter remains in the large number of coffees available to consumers.… Read more “Reflections on the Art of Coffee Blending: Daily Drinkers With Personality”

Brazil Naturals: Tradition and Innovation

Mill committed to smaller-lot specialized coffees at Ipanema Farms in the Sul de Minas growing region, Brazil. Courtesy of Ipanema Farms. When I initially opened a specialty café in Berkeley, California 40 years back, a Brazil constantly appeared amongst the basic whole-bean coffee offerings in the 10 approximately glass-fronted bins that held our whole-bean coffees.… Read more “Brazil Naturals: Tradition and Innovation”

How to Make Better Tasting Espresso at Home – Kev’s Guide.

I’ve come to realize something recently, about espresso coffee making. You could call it a revelation, or an epiphany, or basically “something I’ve just realized”, which doesn’t sound rather as dramatic ;-).… Read more “How to Make Better Tasting Espresso at Home – Kev’s Guide.”