"Using Wet Weiss Method for Espresso Preparation: A Guide for Baristas"

“Using Wet Weiss Method for Espresso Preparation: A Guide for Baristas”

About six months ago, Dan Shusett from Tricolate introduced us to the idea of Wet Weiss Distribution — that is, utilizing a Weiss distribution equipment to stir wet coffee grounds during brewing.… Read more ““Using Wet Weiss Method for Espresso Preparation: A Guide for Baristas””
Comparing RDT and The AutoComb in Barista Hustle

Comparing RDT and The AutoComb in Barista Hustle

Unless you’ve been making your coffee from under a rock recently, you probably heard that scientists recently caught up with something home baristas have known for nearly two decades: that spraying your coffee with water just before grinding can reduce the amount of static created while grinding.… Read more “Comparing RDT and The AutoComb in Barista Hustle”
Lavazza Dek

Lavazza Dek Decaffeinato: An Intricate and Affordable Decaffeinated Coffee Blend

Lavazza Dek Decaffeinato is among the wonderful decaffeinated coffee blends for those who are looking for a flavorful decaf choice for their espresso coffee coffee shot. Lavazza, being a big roaster, has more resources than small artisan roasters and is able to decaffeinate their beans in a healthy way while maintaining a wonderful flavor.… Read more “Lavazza Dek Decaffeinato: An Intricate and Affordable Decaffeinated Coffee Blend”
Understanding the Process: Lactic-Processed coffee

Understanding the Process: Lactic-Processed coffee

This is the next installment in our series of processing. We will be examining the lactose method, which is a complicated recipe that can yield astonishing effects.BY TANA NANETTI SENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos by Felipe SardiA cup of joe that is well-brewed can be awash with different aromas and flavors, all of which are tightly connected to the numerous elements of the coffee.… Read more “Understanding the Process: Lactic-Processed coffee”

Celebrating Traditional Excellence: Classic Coffees from Central America

Red Bourbon cherries growing on Gloria Rodriguez’s Finca Nejapa in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec growing region, El Salvador. Courtesy of Chromatic Coffee.For a number of North Americans, the classic coffees of Central America constitute the essential experience of fine coffee.… Read more “Celebrating Traditional Excellence: Classic Coffees from Central America”

Gaggia Classic Pro Review. Still The Best in 2022?

As you’ll know if you read my original Gaggia classic review, I’m basically fond of the Gaggia Classic – as a number of people are, nevertheless I’d been less impressed by more current iterations of the classic, so when they released the new Gaggia Classic pro, obviously I was very keen to get my hands on one.… Read more “Gaggia Classic Pro Review. Still The Best in 2022?”

Everyday Single-Origin Coffees: At the Intersection of the Familiar and the Exceptional

Spreading coffee fruit for drying in Ethiopia. Courtesy of Royal Coffee NY.While there is much to be said for the new and different in coffee — for surprising new cup profiles generated by the latest processing methods, tiny lots of coffee produced from newly rediscovered tree varieties — there is also a lot to be said for the pleasures of consistency.… Read more “Everyday Single-Origin Coffees: At the Intersection of the Familiar and the Exceptional”

13 Best Manual Coffee Grinders / Hand Grinders in the UK

If you enjoy freshly crafted coffee, and you want to brew the perfect coffee you can at home, you need either a manual grinder or an electric burr mill. This isn’t an optional piece of tool for the home Barista, it’s just as essential as the coffee brewer or machine itself.… Read more “13 Best Manual Coffee Grinders / Hand Grinders in the UK”

Shift Drink Pop-Up events organized by Counter Culture Unite Community for a Cause

Shift Consume sticker, Jesse Gordon and Jonathan Parker from the Durham support team in the background.In the aftermath of the pandemic, Counter Culture repurposes training centers to provide community service by hosting typical Shift Ingest and other events.… Read more “Shift Drink Pop-Up events organized by Counter Culture Unite Community for a Cause”

Best Espresso Machines for Home Use.

Are you trawling the web trying to figure out which are the best home espresso coffee machines in the UK, or which espresso machine is best for home use? If so, you’re not alone – and if not, then how the heck did you end up here??… Read more “Best Espresso Machines for Home Use.”