What are Puck Screens and Which Ones are the Best for Making Espresso Shots?

What are Puck Screens and Which Ones are the Best for Making Espresso Shots?

Espresso coffee shot screens, or puck screens, are becoming increasingly popular one of espresso coffee aficionados who strive for the fantastic espresso coffee. A puck screen is an optional accessory that helps to ensure an even extraction by improving the water distribution on the coffee puck when pulling an espresso coffee shot. It can also increase the body of the shot. The idea of a contact screen was adopted from Scott Rao’s filter sandwich process, which consisted of utilizing a paper filter on top and one underneath the puck. This method was a big step in perfecting espresso coffee, however Rao moved on from paper screens and now uses a single metal contact screen for espresso coffee. When water flows through the espresso coffee machine’s shower screen, it hits the coffee puck in streams, which can disturb the coffee bed, making little craters in the puck, leading to channeling. A contact screen forces the water to distribute evenly on the coffee grounds, for a uniform saturation with water. Additionally, it reduces the coffee contact with the brew head, meaning it requires to be cleaned less often. The three types of puck screens are paper, mesh, and screen. Paper screens will only…

Comparing the Taste, Texture, and Recipe of Cappuccino, Dry Cappuccino, and Wet Cappuccino

Comparing the Taste, Texture, and Recipe of Cappuccino, Dry Cappuccino, and Wet Cappuccino

ArticlesCappuccino is an Italian espresso-based drink that is popular around the world. It is made with one shot of espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. There are three main variants of cappuccino: classic, wet, and dry. The classic cappuccino is the the majority of popular and is made with equal parts espresso coffee, steamed milk, and frothed milk. The wet cappuccino has more steamed milk than espresso and no added foam. The dry cappuccino has less steamed milk than espresso coffee and more foam. The bone dry cappuccino has only espresso coffee and a thick layer of foam. Each variant of cappuccino can be personalized with different types of milk and flavorings. The classic cappuccino is made with one shot of espresso, equal parts steamed milk, and frothed milk. It is usually served in a cappuccino cup and can be crafted with an espresso machine or an alternative such as a Moka pot or AeroPress. The espresso coffee machine is preferred as it offers the required 9 bars of pressure for a rich flavor. The frothed milk functions as a cleanser for the bold flavors of the espresso. The dry cappuccino is really similar to the classic cappuccino nevertheless with less…

Storing Coffee Beans for Optimal Espresso Flavor

Storing Coffee Beans for Optimal Espresso Flavor


Storing coffee is a topic that is often misunderstood. We will discuss the best ways to store your coffee beans and why the advice changes depending on factors such as the length of time you have stored them. Fresh coffee is essential, especially when we purchase expensive beans. Unroasted coffee beans can be stored in a cool and dry place for months. Roasted beans have a shelf-life of two weeks. Darker roasted beans will expire faster due to their broken cell walls.

Asking for the roasting date is very important when buying from a local roaster. Avoid buying from small roasters who cannot verify the roasting date. Packaging has changed a lot over the years and companies have perfected their packaging recipes. When buying from reputable roasters it is important to check the “best before” date rather than the roast date.

It is important to store coffee in an airtight container. This will prevent oxygen from entering the bag or canister. There are many options available, including vacuum canisters and mason jars. It is fine to store coffee in the refrigerator or freezer. This is a good option for long-term storage. Cold temperatures will immobilize volatile components in the bean,…

What is a Ristretto? An Overview of Espresso-Based Beverages

What is a Ristretto? An Overview of Espresso-Based Beverages

When it comes to espresso, there are rather a few options available. Ristretto is the preference of snob coffee connoisseurs, (and I mean that in a good way), to awaken you senses, and to get you up to speed in the morning. What Is a Ristretto and How Is Different from a Regular Espresso coffee? Ristretto … Read morePost brought to you by Brew Espresso Coffee. Check them for more espresso coffee articles.
This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….

Flat White: An Espresso-Based Coffee Drink

Flat White: An Espresso-Based Coffee Drink

Flat whites are an milk-based espresso beverage that is similar to latte and cappuccino. It is usually served in smaller cups than latte and is made with the use of a double shot of espresso coffee. It is almost always served with latte art flat whites are an extremely popular ingest within the third wave coffee movement. The origins of the flat white as well as …

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This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….

How to Make an Affogato: An Espresso-Based Dessert Drink

How to Make an Affogato: An Espresso-Based Dessert Drink

Affogato is an Italian dessert that is made by pouring an espresso shot made from freshly brewed hot espresso coffee over the scoop of vanilla gelato (ice cream). The result is an exquisite, smooth drink. The Italian name for the coffee drink also known as dessert is affogato al caffe. The secret to affogato is the fact that you combine two pleasures into …

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This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….

Espresso Based Beverages – Caffè Mocha

Espresso Based Beverages – Caffè Mocha

Caffe Mocha is a coffee with a chocolate flavor drink. It is often referred to as mocha latte however, the original drink is actually one that is a chocolate-flavored cappuccino. It’s not too rigid and you can have it made in the form of a latte ratio or the form of a cappuccino ratio. We’ve got the cappuccino ratio that is a lot of times referred to as …

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This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….

What Is Espresso Crema

What Is Espresso Crema

Espresso coffee crema is the dense, golden-brown foam that is placed on top of freshly brewed espresso coffee. It is made from coffee solids, oils and carbon dioxide gas. Crema is essential because it imparts body and bitterness to espresso coffee. In addition, can also help protect the coffee from getting old. Crema …

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This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….