The Significance and Characteristics of a Single Espresso Shot

The Significance and Characteristics of a Single Espresso Shot

Single in the context of espresso brewing, refers to a single shot of espresso, pulled from approximately 7-8 grams of coffee grounds. Also called a solo, by the Italian name, a single shot normale espresso holds about 1 oz. of brewed … Read more…This coffee dictionary word firstly appeared at The Dictionary of Coffee Terms, a website that publishes and maintains a free online coffee and espresso related Dictionary.

A Comprehensive Guide to Coffee Terminology: Exploring Concentration

A Comprehensive Guide to Coffee Terminology: Exploring Concentration

In coffee brewing, concentration is an important factor, determining the coffee strength, taste and flavor. In specialty coffee, Total Dissolved Solids concentration is an important factor. Many people are particularly interested in caffeine concentration. Europeans like concentrated coffee, whereas North American … Read more…This dictionary word was provided by The Dictionary of Coffee Terms, the largest online coffee dictionary.

A Comprehensive Guide to Coffee Terminology: KitchenAid Coffee Dictionary

A Comprehensive Guide to Coffee Terminology: KitchenAid Coffee Dictionary

KitchenAid is an American home appliance brand owned by Whirlpool Corporation. The company was started in 1919 by The Hobart Corporation to produce stand mixers; the “H-5” was the first model introduced. The company faced stiff competition as rivals moved … Read more…A coffee dictionary term based on the work at The Coffee Dictionary, athe most comprehensive online Dictionary of coffee and espresso terms.

What Is Espresso Crema

What Is Espresso Crema

Espresso coffee crema is the dense, golden-brown foam that is placed on top of freshly brewed espresso coffee. It is made from coffee solids, oils and carbon dioxide gas. Crema is essential because it imparts body and bitterness to espresso coffee. In addition, can also help protect the coffee from getting old. Crema …

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This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….


Bucharest is a major coffee center, with one specialty café per 52,000 inhabitants, more than Berlin,or Copenhagen. The last years, the specialty coffee scene has grown exponentially. Internationally, Bucharest baristas have been recognized in competitions, with Alexandru Niculae of Bob Coffee Lab, who … Read moreIf you enjoyed this coffee glossary term, we…