Storing Coffee Beans for Optimal Espresso Flavor

Storing Coffee Beans for Optimal Espresso Flavor

Storing coffee is a topic that is often misunderstood. We will discuss the perfect ways to store your coffee beans and why the advice changes depending on factors such as the length of time you have stored them.… Read more “Storing Coffee Beans for Optimal Espresso Flavor”
What is a Ristretto? An Overview of Espresso-Based Beverages

What is a Ristretto? An Overview of Espresso-Based Beverages

Ristretto is a bold shot of espresso pulled with 30 to 50% less water than an espresso coffee “normale”, however the same amount of coffee grounds. It is made with 14-18 grams of ground coffee extracted into 30ml of water, (1 fluid ounce).… Read more “What is a Ristretto? An Overview of Espresso-Based Beverages”
Flat White: An Espresso-Based Coffee Drink

Flat White: An Espresso-Based Coffee Drink

The flat white is a milk-based espresso beverage similar to latte and cappuccino. It is typically served in a smaller cup than a latte and is prepared with a double shot of espresso coffee.… Read more “Flat White: An Espresso-Based Coffee Drink”
Manual vs. Automated vs. Super Auto; It's a Complex!

Espresso Machines – Manual vs. Automated vs. Super Auto; It’s Complex!

When I first discovered my love for espresso coffee coffee and began to know how to make it at home only four forms of machine technologies available that could create genuine espresso coffee (I’m not including stove boilers, stovetops, or camp espresso devices):Manual Machines, built on levers that use your hand strength to move water across a coffee-based bed or work with a spring to complete the work.… Read more “Espresso Machines – Manual vs. Automated vs. Super Auto; It’s Complex!”
How to Make an Affogato: An Espresso-Based Dessert Drink

How to Make an Affogato: An Espresso-Based Dessert Drink

Affogato coffee, also spoken about as affogato al cafe, is an Italian dessert crafted by pouring a shot of freshly prepared hot espresso coffee over the scoop of vanilla gelato (ice cream).… Read more “How to Make an Affogato: An Espresso-Based Dessert Drink”
Understanding the Process: Lactic-Processed coffee

Understanding the Process: Lactic-Processed coffee

This is the next installment in our series of processing. We will be examining the lactose procedure, which is a complex method that can yield astonishing results.BY TANA NANETTI SENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos by Felipe SardiA cup of joe that is well-brewed can be awash with different aromas and flavors, all of which are tightly connected to the a number of elements of the coffee.… Read more “Understanding the Process: Lactic-Processed coffee”

Celebrating Traditional Excellence: Classic Coffees from Central America

Red Bourbon cherries growing on Gloria Rodriguez’s Finca Nejapa in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec growing region, El Salvador. Courtesy of Chromatic Coffee.For several North Americans, the classic coffees of Central America constitute the needed experience of fine coffee.… Read more “Celebrating Traditional Excellence: Classic Coffees from Central America”

Test Drive: Enhance Your Grinding Experience Using Comandante’s Accessories

Users can personalize their grinding experience utilizing tools brewed by the German company.BY TANA NANETTI SENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos by Tanya NanettiThere are a variety of tools available to help you love making a caffeinated drink.… Read more “Test Drive: Enhance Your Grinding Experience Using Comandante’s Accessories”

Gaggia Classic Pro Review. Still The Best in 2022?

As you’ll find out if you read my original Gaggia classic review, I’m truly fond of the Gaggia Classic – as lots of people are, but I’d been less impressed by more recent iterations of the classic, so when they released the new Gaggia Classic pro, obviously I was extremely keen to get my hands on one.… Read more “Gaggia Classic Pro Review. Still The Best in 2022?”

Everyday Single-Origin Coffees: At the Intersection of the Familiar and the Exceptional

Spreading coffee fruit for drying in Ethiopia. Courtesy of Royal Coffee NY.While there is much to be said for the new and different in coffee — for surprising new cup profiles generated by the latest processing methods, tiny the majority of coffee produced from newly rediscovered tree varieties — there is also a lot to be said for the pleasures of consistency.… Read more “Everyday Single-Origin Coffees: At the Intersection of the Familiar and the Exceptional”

10 Best Coffee Shops in Irvine: Great Cafés to Try!

When you’re in a new city, on vacation, or simply passing through, you need to find out where the perfect coffee shops are to get that much-needed jolt of caffeine in the mornings, or for some of us, all throughout the day.… Read more “10 Best Coffee Shops in Irvine: Great Cafés to Try!”