A Comprehensive Guide to Coffee Terminology: Exploring Concentration

A Comprehensive Guide to Coffee Terminology: Exploring Concentration

In coffee brewing, concentration is an important factor, determining the coffee strength, taste and flavor. In specialty coffee, Total Dissolved Solids concentration is an important factor. Many people are particularly interested in caffeine concentration. Europeans like concentrated coffee, whereas North American … Read more…This dictionary word was provided by The Dictionary of Coffee Terms, the largest online coffee dictionary.

Barista Competition: The Battle of the Baskets

Barista Competition: The Battle of the Baskets

The big leap in espresso technology is something brilliantly simple, intuitive and affordable. It’s the ‘high extraction’ filter baskets. Armed with these new baskets and better distribution tools, baristas are making different…
The post Battle of the Baskets appeared first on Barista Hustle….

Extraction and Espresso Brewing – A Guide to Coffee Perfection

Extraction and Espresso Brewing – A Guide to Coffee Perfection

If you are interested in perfecting your espresso making skills and technique, you need to know the research behind it. The science behind espresso coffee brewing is known as extraction. Coffee extraction is the technique of dissolving ground coffee in water. This chemistry concept is important in coffee brewing because it determines how good your coffee is. … Read more
This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….

Understanding the Process: Lactic-Processed coffee

Understanding the Process: Lactic-Processed coffee

This is the next installment in our series of processing. We will be exploring the process of lactic, which is a sophisticated process that can yield stunning results. By TANYA NANETTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Photos courtesy Felipe Sardi A simple cup of well-brewed […]

The article Understanding the Process: Lactic-Processed Coffee was originally published on Barista Magazine Online.
This article was first published at Barista Magazine, an online magazine dedicated to baristas and coffee professionals….

Celebrating Traditional Excellence: Classic Coffees from Central America

For many North Americans, the classic coffees of Central America constitute the essential experience of fine coffee. Until relatively recently, wet-processed or washed coffees from traditional tree varieties produced by a string of Central American countries — Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama –  typically appeared near the top of specialty coffee menus. […]
The post Celebrating Traditional Excellence: Classic Coffees from Central America appeared first on Coffee Review. This post was inspired by the article at Coffee Review, a website specializing in coffee reviews, espresso ratings, informative articles, and coffee blogs written by coffee experts….

Test Drive: Enhance Your Grinding Experience Using Comandante’s Accessories

Users can personalize their grinding experience by using equipment made by the German company. By TANYA NANNETTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT photos from Tanya Nanetti Many tools are available to enhance the experience of making coffee. […]

The article Test Drive: Upgrade Your Grinding Experience with Comandante’s Accessories was first published on Barista Magazine Online.
This article was first published at Barista Magazine, an online magazine dedicated to baristas and coffee professionals….

Everyday Single-Origin Coffees: At the Intersection of the Familiar and the Exceptional

  While there is much to be said for the new and different in coffee — for surprising new cup profiles generated by the latest processing methods, tiny lots of coffee produced from newly rediscovered tree varieties — there is also a lot to be said for the pleasures of consistency. Even for those coffee […]
The post Everyday Single-Origin Coffees: At the Intersection of the Familiar and the Exceptional appeared first on Coffee Review. This post was inspired by the article at Coffee Review, a website specializing in coffee reviews, espresso ratings, informative articles, and coffee blogs written by coffee experts….

10 Best Coffee Shops in Irvine: Great Cafés to Try!

When you’re in a new city, on vacation, or just passing through, you need to discover where the best coffee shops are to get that much-needed jolt of caffeine in the mornings, or for some of us, all throughout the day. Irvine, California, is no exception. While it may be all warm and fun in the sun, if you enjoy your coffee, hot or cold, a caffeine jolt is essential. Of course, every coffee shop has its own little perks, but the one thing every coffee shop on our list has in common is that the coffee smells wonderful and flavors incredible. Join us as we list the 10 best coffee shops in Irvine, California, as we see them. Top 10 Coffee Shops in Irvine, California: 1. Wall Writers Coffee 7755 Irvine Center Dr. Are you looking for a place to study, write the next novel, or meet a deadline … Read More

Star Wars and Coffee Join the Alliance in Peru

The Force is strong when you drink Gino Kanashiro as well as Origen Tostadores de Cafe. By TANYA NANETTISPECIAL to BARISTA MAGAZINE There are a variety of geeks in the world such as specialty-coffee geeks, film enthusiasts, Star Wars geeks, and so on. […]

The article Star Wars and Coffee Join the Alliance in Peru was first published on Barista Magazine Online.
This article was first published at Barista Magazine, an online magazine dedicated to baristas and coffee professionals….

17 Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines of 2022

In this post, I’m exploring the 17 best bean to cup coffee machines of 2022 in the UK. This includes comparisons of features, but also my own thoughts on each machine based on my knowledge of bean to cup coffee machines, and based on the […]
The post 17 Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines of 2022 appeared first on Coffee Blog. This article firstly appeared at Coffee Blog – The UK Specialty Coffee Blog – For Lovers of REAL Coffee!…


Bucharest is a major coffee center, with one specialty café per 52,000 inhabitants, more than Berlin,or Copenhagen. The last years, the specialty coffee scene has grown exponentially. Internationally, Bucharest baristas have been recognized in competitions, with Alexandru Niculae of Bob Coffee Lab, who … Read moreIf you enjoyed this coffee glossary term, we…

Bay Area Coffee Adventures that go beyond coffee Shops

We take a look at four locations within the San Francisco Bay Area to highlight the region’s plethora of coffee choices. Written by EDDIE P. GOMEZSPECIAL to BARISTA Magazine Online Photos from Eddie P. Gomez From cuppings to […]

The article Bay Area Coffee Adventures that go Beyond Coffee Shops was first published on Barista Magazine Online.
This article was first published at Barista Magazine, an online magazine dedicated to baristas and coffee professionals….