The Significance and Characteristics of a Single Espresso Shot

The Significance and Characteristics of a Single Espresso Shot

Single in the context of espresso brewing, refers to a single shot of espresso, pulled from approximately 7-8 grams of coffee grounds. Also called a solo, by the Italian name, a single shot normale espresso holds about 1 oz. of brewed … Read more…This coffee dictionary word firstly appeared at The Dictionary of Coffee Terms, a website that publishes and maintains a free online coffee and espresso related Dictionary.

A Comprehensive Guide to Coffee Terminology: Exploring Concentration

A Comprehensive Guide to Coffee Terminology: Exploring Concentration

In coffee brewing, concentration is an important factor, determining the coffee strength, taste and flavor. In specialty coffee, Total Dissolved Solids concentration is an important factor. Many people are particularly interested in caffeine concentration. Europeans like concentrated coffee, whereas North American … Read more…This dictionary word was provided by The Dictionary of Coffee Terms, the largest online coffee dictionary.

Lavazza Dek

Lavazza Dek Decaffeinato: An Intricate and Affordable Decaffeinated Coffee Blend

Lavazza Dek Decaffeinato is one of the perfect decaf coffee blends for those who are looking for a flavorful decaf option for their espresso coffee shot. Lavazza, being a big roaster, has more resources than small artisan roasters and is able to decaffeinate their beans in a healthy way while maintaining a excellent flavor. This medium roast blend is available in whole bean, ground, or ESE pods, and boasts a great, complex flavor.

Decaf espresso can be a great alternative for those who love the taste and rituals of coffee but are sensitive to caffeine. It is a great source of antioxidants and can reduce the risk of insomnia, anxiety and promote hydration. It can also help to improve heart health by reducing your blood pressure and reducing the risk for heart disease and stroke. Decaf espresso is also known to improve mental acuity, concentration and alertness. It’s a great choice for those who want to stay alert but without the side effects of caffeine.

Lavazza Dek is a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans that has a unique decaffeination formula. The blend of Arabica beans and Robusta gives a balanced flavor with a pleasant smell. The natural CO2 decaffeination process…

What is a Ristretto? An Overview of Espresso-Based Beverages

What is a Ristretto? An Overview of Espresso-Based Beverages

When it comes to espresso, there are rather a few options available. Ristretto is the preference of snob coffee connoisseurs, (and I mean that in a good way), to awaken you senses, and to get you up to speed in the morning. What Is a Ristretto and How Is Different from a Regular Espresso coffee? Ristretto … Read morePost brought to you by Brew Espresso Coffee. Check them for more espresso coffee articles.
This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….

How to Make an Affogato: An Espresso-Based Dessert Drink

How to Make an Affogato: An Espresso-Based Dessert Drink

Affogato is an Italian dessert that is made by pouring an espresso shot made from freshly brewed hot espresso coffee over the scoop of vanilla gelato (ice cream). The result is an exquisite, smooth drink. The Italian name for the coffee drink also known as dessert is affogato al caffe. The secret to affogato is the fact that you combine two pleasures into …

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This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….

Caffeine in Monster vs. Coffee: Which Has More? By How Much?

Coffee has long been used to wake us up in the mornings and provide that jolt of energy to get through the rest of the day as the afternoon begins to wane. At one time, coffee was the only preference in town if you wanted an afternoon pick-me-up. However, that’s no longer true, as there are a number of products and energy drinks today that give you a much-needed jolt. But, which is better, coffee or energy drinks? Which one has more caffeine? By how much? We’ll compare the caffeine in Monster vs. coffee in this guide. By the end, you’ll understand whether you’ll be better off popping the top on a Monster energy ingest or literally brewing a pot of coffee to settle in for that all-night study session. A Quick Look Caffeine Content: Monster vs. Coffee Monster Coffee 160 mg per 16 oz 95 mg per cup How … Read More

10 Best Coffee Shops in Irvine: Great Cafés to Try!

When you’re in a new city, on vacation, or just passing through, you need to discover where the best coffee shops are to get that much-needed jolt of caffeine in the mornings, or for some of us, all throughout the day. Irvine, California, is no exception. While it may be all warm and fun in the sun, if you enjoy your coffee, hot or cold, a caffeine jolt is essential. Of course, every coffee shop has its own little perks, but the one thing every coffee shop on our list has in common is that the coffee smells wonderful and flavors incredible. Join us as we list the 10 best coffee shops in Irvine, California, as we see them. Top 10 Coffee Shops in Irvine, California: 1. Wall Writers Coffee 7755 Irvine Center Dr. Are you looking for a place to study, write the next novel, or meet a deadline … Read More

Delonghi Magnifica vs Dinamica vs Prima Donna – What’s the difference?

There are a few age-old questions that the majority of humans have asked themselves at some stage of their lives, including what really caused the formation of the universe,  what is the meaning of life, and what’s the difference between the DeLonghi Magnifica, Delonghi Dinamica […]
The post Delonghi Magnifica vs Dinamica vs Prima Donna – What’s the difference? appeared first on Coffee Blog. This article firstly appeared at Coffee Blog – The UK Specialty Coffee Blog – For Lovers of REAL Coffee!…

Is Coffee Good for Your Stomach? Surprising Facts!

Coffee is among the many popular drinks in the world. Not only do coffee drinkers everywhere enjoy the taste of coffee, nevertheless the caffeine content of coffee can likewise make you feel more alert and ready to tackle your day. Getting that morning coffee cup is a morning ritual for millions of people across the globe. Whether you’re the kind of person who can’t function and becomes an absolute gremlin without your morning coffee, or you like the taste every once in a while, coffee is undoubtedly part of your life. As a coffee lover, you’re likely not interested in leaving the morning coffee behind, even if it makes your stomach run a marathon ending with summersaults. While consuming coffee might not necessarily be either good or bad for your stomach, the outcomes of coffee, caffeinated and decaffeinated, can lead to an upset stomach. Coffee Upsets Your Stomach for 3 … Read More

Can Pigs Eat Coffee Grounds? What You Need to Know!

You’ve probably heard the rumor that pigs can and will eat anything. Well, they undoubtedly will eat anything, but must they? The answer to that is a resounding no. Pigs can’t eat everything, and that includes coffee grounds. So, if you’ve lately decided to start raising pigs or even have a couple as pets, you’ll want to discover what you can feed them to keep them healthy and what foods will make them sick. We’ll answer the issue of whether pigs can eat coffee grounds and more in the post below. Can Pigs Eat Coffee Grounds? Feeding your pigs coffee grounds is not recommended. Coffee grounds contain caffeine, and pigs don’t need to have caffeine in their systems. Caffeine from the coffee grounds may interfere with a pig’s reproductive ability or cause porcine stress syndrome (PPS) in pigs that are susceptible to the genetic disorder. While coffee grounds won’t kill … Read More

Easy Espresso Martini Recipe Without Kahlua (Tasty & Fast!)

The espresso martini is one of the the majority of significant inventions in modern times. It provides you with both alcohol and coffee, wonderful for relaxing with your friends or enjoying your day off. But, numerous people don’t like the taste of Kahlua, among its main ingredients, or would like to find a similar-tasting beverage that doesn’t contain alcohol. So, if you like to experiment with new things, keep reading as we provide you with a step-by-step guide to creating an espresso coffee martini without Kahlua. What You’ll Need Kahlua Substitutes If you don’t like the taste of Kahlua however would like to keep the one-two punch of alcohol and caffeine, there are several other coffee liqueurs that you can work with. Image Credit: Pixabay Mr. Black Cold Brew Coffee Liqueur Mr. Black Cold Brew Coffee Liqueur is a wonderful substitute for Kahlua, and it’s a good place to start … Read More