The Significance and Characteristics of a Single Espresso Shot

The Significance and Characteristics of a Single Espresso Shot

Single in the context of espresso brewing, refers to a single shot of espresso, pulled from approximately 7-8 grams of coffee grounds. Also called a solo, by the Italian name, a single shot normale espresso holds about 1 oz. of brewed … Read more…This coffee dictionary word firstly appeared at The Dictionary of Coffee Terms, a website that publishes and maintains a free online coffee and espresso related Dictionary.

"Using Wet Weiss Method for Espresso Preparation: A Guide for Baristas"

“Using Wet Weiss Method for Espresso Preparation: A Guide for Baristas”

As with all our best and wildest experiments, our investigation of Wet Weiss for espresso began with a conversation with multidisciplinary industrial scientist Professor Abbott. He suggested that adding some water before tamping might allow us to pack the bed of coffee more tightly together.
The post Wet Weiss for Espresso appeared first on Barista Hustle….

Comparing RDT and The AutoComb in Barista Hustle

Comparing RDT and The AutoComb in Barista Hustle

You’ve probably heard that scientists recently caught up with something home baristas have known for nearly two decades: that spraying your coffee with water just before grinding can reduce the amount of static created….
The post RDT vs The AutoComb appeared first on Barista Hustle….

TechniqueThe Perfect Espresso Tamping Technique: A Step-by-Step Guide

TechniqueThe Perfect Espresso Tamping Technique: A Step-by-Step Guide

Espresso coffee is one of those drinks that people hate to drink. If done properly it’s a tasty dessert, but if it’s done wrong it’s bitter, burned and tastes awful. There are many factors in making a perfect espresso shot, such as the size of the grind temperature, temperature, the quality of the espresso machine and a host of other. In this article, we will …

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This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….

What are Puck Screens and Which Ones are the Best for Making Espresso Shots?

What are Puck Screens and Which Ones are the Best for Making Espresso Shots?

Espresso coffee shot screens, or puck screens, are becoming increasingly popular one of espresso coffee aficionados who strive for the fantastic espresso coffee. A puck screen is an optional accessory that helps to ensure an even extraction by improving the water distribution on the coffee puck when pulling an espresso coffee shot. It can also increase the body of the shot. The idea of a contact screen was adopted from Scott Rao’s filter sandwich process, which consisted of utilizing a paper filter on top and one underneath the puck. This method was a big step in perfecting espresso coffee, however Rao moved on from paper screens and now uses a single metal contact screen for espresso coffee. When water flows through the espresso coffee machine’s shower screen, it hits the coffee puck in streams, which can disturb the coffee bed, making little craters in the puck, leading to channeling. A contact screen forces the water to distribute evenly on the coffee grounds, for a uniform saturation with water. Additionally, it reduces the coffee contact with the brew head, meaning it requires to be cleaned less often. The three types of puck screens are paper, mesh, and screen. Paper screens will only…

What is a Ristretto? An Overview of Espresso-Based Beverages

What is a Ristretto? An Overview of Espresso-Based Beverages

When it comes to espresso, there are rather a few options available. Ristretto is the preference of snob coffee connoisseurs, (and I mean that in a good way), to awaken you senses, and to get you up to speed in the morning. What Is a Ristretto and How Is Different from a Regular Espresso coffee? Ristretto … Read morePost brought to you by Brew Espresso Coffee. Check them for more espresso coffee articles.
This article firstly appeared at Brew Espresso Coffee, a website dedicated to make popular the art of making espresso beverages….

Can Pigs Eat Coffee Grounds? What You Need to Know!

You’ve probably heard the rumor that pigs can and will eat anything. Well, they undoubtedly will eat anything, but must they? The answer to that is a resounding no. Pigs can’t eat everything, and that includes coffee grounds. So, if you’ve lately decided to start raising pigs or even have a couple as pets, you’ll want to discover what you can feed them to keep them healthy and what foods will make them sick. We’ll answer the issue of whether pigs can eat coffee grounds and more in the post below. Can Pigs Eat Coffee Grounds? Feeding your pigs coffee grounds is not recommended. Coffee grounds contain caffeine, and pigs don’t need to have caffeine in their systems. Caffeine from the coffee grounds may interfere with a pig’s reproductive ability or cause porcine stress syndrome (PPS) in pigs that are susceptible to the genetic disorder. While coffee grounds won’t kill … Read More

Test Drive: The Cupping Brewer

The Cupping Brewer is a vessel that is designed to be a minimal-waste, filter-free coffee tasting. By Katrina YENTCHBARISTA Magazine Online Photo courtesy of Katrina It’s always been to be heartbreaking to watch people slurp cups of delicious […]

The article Test Drive: The Cupping Brewer was first published on Barista Magazine Online.
This article was first published at Barista Magazine, an online magazine dedicated to baristas and coffee professionals….

17 Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines of 2022

In this post, I’m exploring the 17 best bean to cup coffee machines of 2022 in the UK. This includes comparisons of features, but also my own thoughts on each machine based on my knowledge of bean to cup coffee machines, and based on the […]
The post 17 Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines of 2022 appeared first on Coffee Blog. This article firstly appeared at Coffee Blog – The UK Specialty Coffee Blog – For Lovers of REAL Coffee!…

7 Most Eco-Friendly Coffee Brewing Methods

With the need to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet being more important than ever, it steeps sense that we are always searching for ways to be more eco-friendly. Whether it’s using less energy, recycling more, or even avoiding plastics, we each needs to do our part. Where do coffee lovers step in and help the environment? We do it by incorporating eco-friendly coffee preparing methods into our on a per day basis lives. While our automatic drip may not be the worst coffee preparation technique when it comes to the environment, there are others out there more sustainable. If you’re ready to do away with the K-cups and the effect that they and other brewing methods have on the environment, these 7 eco-friendly coffee brewing methods can reduce waste around your home and allow you to do more to help the environment we all share. The 7 Many … Read More

Cyetus CYK7601 Espresso Machine Review 2022: Pros, Cons, & Verdict

Our Final Verdict We give the Cyetus CYK7601 a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. Build Quality Coffee Quality Price Ease of Utilize Cleaning Cyetus CYK7601 Espresso coffee Machine: At a Glance There are the majority of espresso machines on the market, and not all of them live up to the hype – or the price. We took a close look at the Cyetus CYK7601 espresso coffee machine to see if it’s worth your time. To sum it up: this is a wonderful model. If you can swing the moderately high price, you’re sure to love the built-in coffee grinder and milk steamer, along with the ideal espresso coffee and fairly easy cleaning. This machine has a lot to offer espresso lovers looking for accessibility, flavor, and literally a touch of elegance. Keep reading as we dive into the details! Quick Look Pros Produces delicious espresso with crema Minimal … Read More

The Best Coffee Machine With Milk Frother

If you like coffee with milk, you want the milk to be creamy, silky smooth and you want to produce bouncy, aerated froth that makes a cappuccino or latte that is better than any of the high street coffee shops then you’ll need a coffee […]
The post The Best Coffee Machine With Milk Frother appeared first on Coffee Blog. This article firstly appeared at Coffee Blog – The UK Specialty Coffee Blog – For Lovers of REAL Coffee!…